This is where you will find our homemade and handed down recipes from tested and tries specialist! Most comprised of Great Grandma's, Grandma's, and Mothers!
I have fond these folks to be the best of the best when it comes to cooking and preparing meals!
Here in America some folks call the Main Course Dishes, the "entrée". Here at our house we call it, Dinner or Supper, depending on who is speaking!
At any rate the Main Course is normally comprised of a meat or fish and followed by pretty much what ever we folks have made or can codger up for a good dessert! Sometimes it might be as simple as a Root Beer Float!
I know, all those fancy folks have all kinds of appetizers, soups and salads planned but here we just wing it most evenings! This is where all these recipes come in handy! Sometimes the Main Course is referred to as the "Meat Course" and I for one like that!
It has become a difficult thing for me to set down to a dinner or supper, depending on where you come from will all depend on what you call it, without a dish of meat of some kind! Even if it is a small piece, it just doesn't seem to be complete without the meat! (I didn't mean to rhyme) 😉
We don't do formal dining here as the kitchen, dining and living rooms all serve as a place to eat and the cabinet tops are the resting place for the cooked meals and these recipes reflect that! If you do formal dining, these recipes will still serve you well.
In the Following Categories you will find several types of recipes.
These will include:
Main Dishes
Diabetic Recipes
Crock Pot
Power Cookers
Canning Recipes and how to's.
Dive right in and enjoy. Allways feel free to send us your favorite homemade recipes to include on our web site.
We welcome any and all recipes as long as they are legitimate and not some kind of crazy or goofy stuff!
Keep us in the loop with your latest!
Our next Category is Desserts!
Desserts are as much a part of a meal to some as the Main Course is! Desserts are defined as, confectionery course. The traditional meal consist of a dessert of some kind.
These desserts can consist of,
Puddings or Jellos
Wines and any other sweets that folks can come up with!
I have been known to have dessert first or even for breakfast, depending on the mood I was in! I guess you get it, i just love sweets! 🙂
The next Category in line is the Non Alcoholic Drinks!
I don't have a problem if you want to have some toddy in your drinks, that is your business. These drinks do not contain any alcohol but if you please, you can add all you like!
Some of these are and can be used as breakfast drinks for energy and to help get you through until lunch or even dinner.
This category will consits of,
If you enjoy these kinds of drinks, dig right in and enjoy. If you have a favorite drink you make yourself, drop us a line and share the recipe and we will post it here for our readers to enjoy!
This next Category has Diabetic Desserts.
With that being said, let me say, I am not a dietician nor am I a medical advisor! I have received a couple of emails from folks saying they saw ingredients that was not very diabetic friendly in a couple of these recipes.
By all means, if you feel one of these recipes ingredients are not diabetic friendly, either don't fix it or change the ingredients. No one is suggesting you eat something that is bad for you!
The following recipes include but not limited to,
Enjoy and let us know your thoughts. If something really needs changed, let us know if a constructive manner and we will address the ingredients.
Our next category is one of my favorites, Crock Pots and Power Cookers!
We don't have may recipes for the power cooker yet but plan on adding recipes in the coming weeks and months so stay tuned for those updates. We love our Power Cooker!!! Delicious 30 minute meals just can't be beat!
The recipes in these categories have,
Pork Beef
These are some of the tastiest meals ever when prepared with the crock pots and power cookers!
So, set right down and pull yourself right up to the computer, laptop or what ever your choice of web surfing may be and use our handy dandy "Print" feature on our recipe pages to print out your favorites!
The following Category is one not many people still participate in today! Those who do though wouldn't trade it for anything!
Canning your home grown vegetables, fruits, meats, etc. is one of the oldest forms or preserving foods since the method was invented.
Canning will give your food a shelf life of 1 - 5 years depending on the product, temperature and seal on the can! Canned foods retain their nutriens as well as and better than some fresh foods.
During recessions is when most folks tend to want to learn about canning and food preservation as they fear their readily supply of food may be cut short or completely off.
Most homesteaders I know still can and put up food every fall for the coming winter and spring. We have beans available from 3 years ago that still taste as good as the day they were canned!
The list of canned foods in this category are,
Fruits & Vegetables
Meats & Seafoods
Fruits & Juices
Canning Equipment & Canning Manuals
If you have main dishes, Desserts, Drinks, Crock Pot or Power Cooker Recipes you would like for us to try out, send us a recipe through our "Contact Us" link at the bottom of the page.
If possible, please send photo's of the finished product along with the recipe.
We will be glad to feature your recipe on our blog and give you credit for it.
If you have canning methods you would like to share. please feel free to do so using the same "Contact Us" link at the bottom of this page.