Back Roads Living

Category Archives for BIBLE READINGS

Cheap Books for Bible Study or Personal Growth

We love Cheap Books for our Bible study. We have lots of material and have found the best of the best for purchasing bible related material online. As a born again christian, I love to read my bible but

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Unforgiveness in the Bible

  Causes of Unforgiveness Unforgiveness is a bitterness from within man. Born of our flesh and inherited from our ever increasing pride before we become born again. Those who are unforgiving are

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Prayers for Hope

  Ministering Prayers for Hope When I think of Prayers for Hope I think of many things including, family, friends, jobs, health, forgiveness and many others that we as people have to deal with on

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Jesus Help Me

  The Cry, Jesus Help Me. How many times have I and many others cried out of despair or fear, Jesus help me?  When as a young boy growing up in rural Kentucky we did not attend church until I was

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Short Prayers of the Bible

  Short Prayers It is my hope by sharing these short prayers that it will help encourage you in your prayer life. It is not always the lengthy prayers that are honored. Remember when Jesus instructed

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Baptism Quotes Their Significance In Scripture

Quick Navigation Baptism Quotes and it’s significanceBaptism Quotes Dealing with Water Baptism, It’s Significance?More Baptism Quotes from the Holy Scriptures As we look at Baptism Quotes we

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Soul Searching – Making deposits to our souls

Soul Searching – Making deposits to our souls We  need to take some time for soul searching. Our souls are a lot like personal bank accounts. If we keep making withdrawals, but never make deposits,

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David and Goliath – Facing your Goliath

Before I share today about your own personal giants we all face, I would like to share about the actual story of David and Goliath. I don’t want to just assume that everyone has heard this story before.

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One Life

We only have one life to live here on this earth and how we live it makes a great impact on others. Even though we do not see all the good or bad, it will all be revealed in the end of this age. Did you

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As we journey on this earth and in our calling we must remember to keep loving life as God has granted it to us. Always striving to reach a higher spiritual place with Him. Hey, sisters. Tonight as I

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Dealing with Anxiety

  We all end up dealing with anxiety in our lives. At some points more than others. Thankfully we have a Savior who cares about us and can and will deliver us from this terrible thing. I am going

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Seeing Ourselves Through God’s Eyes

The hope for our daughters As we begin more and more seeing ourselves through God’s eyes and as New Years passes, many of us will be making a very similar pledge – to get into shape, eat

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