Back Roads Living

Category Archives for Preppers Recipes

Hot Chicken Casserole Recipe Prepper Pantry

Hot Chicken Casserole     This is a Hot Chicken Casserole recipe that calls for water chestnuts.     I know most people probably don't keep those in their prepper pantries,

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Impossible Quiche Recipe Homemade

    Making this Impossible Quiche is a great way to use those eggs we all are beating and then freezing.      I saw that on a video and that is actually how I found out about

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Cornbread Chicken Potpie Recipe

Cornbread Chicken Potpie     Cornbread Chicken Potpie is a very simple pie and you can use the items you have on hand in your pantry.    As with most pot pies, this can be made in

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Enjoy this CORNED BEEF SKILLET SUPPER Recipe     This recipe, Corned Beef Skillet Supper can be made of almost all stored foods.  I haven’t been very lucky in finding canned meats

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