Back Roads Living

Category Archives for TIPS~N~TRICKS

DIY Homemade Laundry Detergent

Homemade Laundry Detergent can save lots of money. It is as good and better than most detergents out there! One of the processes in making your own or DIY Homemade Laundry Detergent is the part of grating

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DIY Dish Washing Powder

Here at Back Roads Living we believe in saving money. This DIY Dish Washing Powder is a great way to do this.  When mixing your own you are saving, savin, saving! As times get harder and it becomes more

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Benefits for Epson Salt

Most folk do not realize how beneficial Epson Salt really is! This is a wonderful cleaner and can be used to heal and doctor many symptoms with also! Most people know about the importance of calcium and

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Homemade Febreeze

I keep seeing recipes for homemade Febreeze on Pinterest so we thought we would give it a try. We have our pets and a couple of grown kids who are always into something that involves odor! So, why try

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Homemade Bathroom Cleaner

This Homemade Bathroom Cleaner is a cleaner that we use specifically for the Bathroom in our house.  The combination of these terrific products make a great cleaner and scrubbing tool.  The

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Uses for Borax

We have used Borax for a long time and we found this article very informative. This can be used many ways and I am sure if you research you can find more money saving tips to use with Borax! Check back

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Olive Oil and It’s Many Uses

Olive oil has been around a long time and there are several grades of it. Olive Oil has many different uses and depending on the grade of it depends on how you will want to use it! Polyphenol is an ingredient

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Common Kitchen Measurements

Have you ever need to know some common kitchen measurements? We all have been there, we get into the recipe and have all the flour, milk, cream, etc and all of a sudden the recipe calls for a measurement

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Buttermilk Substitute Recipe

Buttermilk Substitute, Cornbread, Biscuits and More. How many times have I been on here and seen a wonderful homemade recipe and run to the kitchen to see if I have the ingredients only to find I don’t

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Baking Soda Uses and Cures

Baking Soda Uses and Cures Baking Soda with its uses and cures  rates right up there with hydrogen peroxide as one of the most inexpensive and safe health benefits around (you can buy an entire box

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Cooking Terms, Common and not so common!

The following is a list of common Cooking Terms Measurements and abbreviations I have compiled from several sources. These have come from cook books I own, family recipes and internet descriptions. We

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