When you’re picking your first flock, there are a few key things to look for:
You should decide whether you’re raising chickens for table meat or just eggs. If you want eggs, choose a breed that excels at laying. If you want meat, make sure to pick birds that gain weight quickly.
The great thing about chickens is there are a few breeds that meet these criteria, making them excellent birds for the average backyard flock. Some of these birds are good layers and some are good layers and meat birds also! We’ve put together a list of our ten favorite chicken breeds for Urban or backyard flocks. Each of the breeds on our list meets most of the items to look for we’ve mentioned, and are very good birds for a beginner.
1: Rhode Island Red: The Best Dual-Purpose Bird: Easy to care for and a good layer! They are a popular choice for backyard flocks because of their egg laying abilities and hardiness. A little tidbit to know about this bird. The Rhode Island Red is the state bird of Rhode Island.
Although they can sometimes be stubborn, they can end up producing up to 275 eggs a year but a healthy one can lay more. Healthy hens can lay up to 5–6 eggs per week depending on their care and treatment. Rhode Island Red hens lay many more eggs than an average hen if provided plenty of quality feed
Link for Rhode Island Red Photo: RHODE ISLAND RED
Good Urban BackYard Chickens
2: Buff Orpington: The Best Pet Chicken: The one caution on this breed is that their docile nature will often make them a target for bullying from other birds. Bred to be an excellent layer with good meat quality. They can go broody very often, and make great mothers. they work well as backyard birds. Due to their build they do well in very cold climates. If you choose to raise a Buff Orpington, be careful not to add aggressive breeds to your flock.
Link for Buff Orpington Photo: BUFF ORPINGTON
Good Urban BackYard Chickens
3: Leghorn: The Best Egg-Layer:They’re generally friendly, though they can be noisy and a bit aggressive at times. Leghorns are good layers of white eggs, laying an average of 280 per year and sometimes reaching 300–320. Better egg layer than brooder.
Link for Leghorn Photo: LEGHORN
A good Urban BackYard Chickens
4: Delaware: The Meaty Bird:Delaware’s are inquisitive and friendly, and generally low-maintenance birds. They do tend to have tough molts though, and while most have mild dispositions, some can be a bit cranky. Delawares are hardy birds that mature quickly. Hens are good layers of large to jumbo brown eggs and will go broody. Not the friendliest bird in the yard but a good layer.
Chicken Photo Link: DELAWARE
Good Urban BackYard Chickens
5: Ameraucana (sometimes mis-spelled Americana): AKA the Easter-Egger: This breed makes wonderful backyard chickens. They will thrive well either in confinement or free-ranging. They have a calm, non-aggressive disposition, and are very easy to handle. This is possibly the best bird for a family with kids.
Chicken Photo Link: AMERAUCANA
Good Urban BackYard Chickens
6: The Wyandotte is a breed of chicken originating in the United States. Wyandottes are a docile, dual-purpose breed kept for their large brown eggs and for meat. The Wyandotte lays pale brown or tan eggs and usually has a white ring of feathers around its neck. Wyandotte hens are devoted mothers.
The Wyandotte is a versatile Chicken and can adapt to different temperatures. These chickens do fine on free range or in a fenced in yard.
The hens (females) will lay around 200 eggs a year with an exceptional hen laying around 240 eggs a year. The Wyandott is a hen that will need her vent checked regularly because of the thickness of her tail feathers she is prone to become clogged if not kept clean.
Wyandotte Chicken Photo: WYANDOTTE
Good Urban BackYard Chickens
7: The Australorp is a chicken breed of Australian origin.
The Australorp is a large, soft-feathered bird. The Australorp is hardy, docile, and a good egg-layer, as well as a meat bird.
Well looked after Australorps lay approximately 250 light-brown eggs per year. The record set for the most a hen of this breed laid was 364 eggs in 365 days. They are also known to be good nest sitters and mothers, making them one of the most exceptional large, heritage utility breeds of chicken.
Australorp Chicken Picture: AUSTRALORP
Good Urban BackYard Chickens
8: Welsummer, the most common example of this would be the Kelloggs Cornflakes rooster. Its eggs are dark-brown and spotty. They are pretty popular birds. Welsummer hens lay about 160 eggs per year, making these birds a good dual purpose breed for the small flock keeper. Welsummers are not very docile but they are intelligent and friendly. They are also quite active, and one of the best free range breeds available. Welsummers lay beautiful dark brown eggs that are a terra cotta color, which is one of the many reasons they are quite popular.
Welsummer Chicken Picture: WELSUMMER
Good Urban BackYard Chickens
9: The Cochin. The name Cochin came from China..
The most distinctive feature of the Cochin is the excessive plumage that covers leg and foot. The eggs are medium in size.
Cochins are well known as good mothers and foster mothers for other breeds, and they can lay many eggs, but usually not for extended periods of time.
Cochins are also known to be good pet hens for the garden, as they are tame and regarded as one of the most ‘friendly’ chicken breeds.
Cochins are quiet chickens.
They scarcely crow or cluck, only when laying eggs.
Cochins are very calm, docile and friendly when exposed often to people.
Cochins also will adapt very easily to confined spaces or open range. Cochin hens are fairly broody and good mothers, and are known to be good surrogate incubating birds in even falcon breeding.
Cochin Chicken Picture: COCHIN
10: Campine Chickens: The energetic Campine chicken is a dependable layer of medium-sized white eggs. In North America, the Campine is prized as an ornamental chicken breed, as well.
Notes on Campine Chickens: The Campine chicken is capable of foraging for its food requirements.
The breed is listed in the Critical category of the American Livestock Breeds Conservancy’s Conservation Priority List.
Standard Campine cocks weigh 6 pounds and hens weigh 4 pounds
Campine Chicken Photo: CAMPINE
Good Urban BackYard Chickens
Remember that you don’t need to restrict your flock to just one breed. Try adding a variety of breeds, and have fun watching them grow as you reap the benefits in meat and eggs.
These are our top ten picks for a good Urban BackYard Chickens.
Tell us what your picks are. What is your favorite Chicken? Why is it your favorite?
Be sure to send us your stories and pictures of your chickens, coops, flocks, etc! We will post them on the Blog for you!
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