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How To Use a Macbook Pro To Post To Instagram
In this post we will guide you through the steps you will need to use in order to use a Macbook Pro to post to Instagram. As of this post you can only post to IGTV using your Macbook. As Instagram is a mobile app it will not work directly with Mackbook or Windows. Since I use a Macbook an do not have Windows I wanted to be able to post to Instagram using my Macbook Pro.
I am not a huge user of my phone so I have many more photos stored on my Macbook than I do on my phone. To use my photos on my Macbook I would need to use the Cloud or download them and then upload them back to the phone which I fin both annoying.
When I am on my Mackbook Pro, I want to be able to upload to Instagram if I am on the site and not have to grab my phone and go from there.

The first thing to do, go to your Instagram account using Google Chrome browser on your Macbook. I do not have the walkthrough for Safari but will try to update this later for that if there are request.
As you can see, you can upload to IGTV but you cannot post photos to your Instagram Account from here. Why they allow IGTV Post and not standard post is anyones guess?

While looking at your account on Instagram, go to the "View" in the menu and click there, go to the bottom and select "Developer" then "Developer Tools". This will open up a new window with an extra new looking screens. This may look like it is very complicated at this next point but it really isn't.

This is the screen that will appear. Once this is loaded, you will need to "Refresh" your screen to move on to the next part.

After refreshing your screen you are ready to work with your settings. This screen shows your Developer Tools. You should not experiment with the settings in the right hand screen unless you know what you are doing. What we are going to concentrate on is the screen on the left showing your Instagram Profile.
Right above your Instagram Profile Name there are 4 small windows. One shows, iPhone Settings, one, Photo Size, one, percent of size an the last is "Online" Set them as you see them in this photo. I have experimented with different settings an these are the ones that seem to work best.
Of course, you can experiment with them if they don't work for you and see if using another iPhone setting works better or any of those other settings. It will not hurt anything. You may have to close out your window at some point but just open your Instagram back up and go through the steps again to get back here.

Once you have your setting in place, you can either stay in this screen to post or close out the screen on the right an post. Either way works. I prefer closing out the screen on the right. This gives me a larger screen to work with.

You can do everything from this screen that you can do on your phone except post to IGTV. I find that very odd but that is how it works.
I hope you found this post beneficial and if so please leave us a comment below. If you know of other hacks you want us to look up and post, please feel free to ask.