Back Roads Living

Prayer for Success in Ministry

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I found this prayer for success in ministry online a couple of days ago and copied it to my word pad and began reading it. I found the more I read it the more personal it became. In the original print it was a prayer for all or a group of individuals. I have replaced some of the words to make it become a very personal prayer and it has become one of my very favorites. There are many prayers we can pray and I hope in the coming days I can share some more with you. If you are in any kind of ministry this will help and bless you. 

EL SHADDAI(God Almighty), as I grow in Faith and Spiritual Strength, committed to Your Word, I am called to some measure of Servitude, some are appointed Apostles, some Prophets, some Evangelists, some Pastors, some Teachers, and some to be Blessings to their Brethren in distress.

ADONAI (Lord), I acknowledge that Your intention is to the Perfecting, and the Full Equipping of ALL Your Saints, until we all attain oneness in Faith, and in the Complete Comprehensive Knowledge of CHRIST, as we strive to fulfill “The Great Commission”, which is Your mandate for us to go to all Nations, and spread the Glorious Gospel of Your Agape (Unconditional) Love, and building up Your Church Body.

JEHOVAH NISSI (The Lord is my Banner), I Praise You for the Ministry You have imprinted in my Heart, and the Precious Privilege to be Your Humble Servant, in my own special way. I Prayerfully Petition You, to Strengthen me, so that I shall be used Mightily in Your Service. Father, place me on Eagles’ Wings, that I shall not grow weary, even amidst my many constraints and shortcomings.

ABBA (Daddy) Father, I know You are aware of all the Financial, as well as other critical needs, required for the Successful establishment of this Ministry, with which You have Blessed me. So I plead that You open the Floodgates of Heaven, and allow Your Latter Rain to radically replace my inefficiencies, with Your All-Sufficiency. LORD, I plead that You positively place the appropriate people, with the pertinent resources, into the purposeful paths of my Ministries’ needs.

ELOHIM (God), I Thank and Praise You for Your High Calling in me to do Your Works, You have been more than Faithful in leading me thus far. EL ROI (The God who sees me), let not my hard work, or my Wisdom, be the focus of how I function in my anointing, but let only Your Grace, and Your Manifold Wisdom, be the Power of my Anointing, as my Ministry grows from Glory to Glory to Glory. LORD, the Scripture says “that You will pour out Your Holy Spirit in the last days on all flesh.” So I claim this Promise LORD! Fill all the people who come in contact with my Ministry, with Your Sweet Holy Spirit, and let there be a great Revival. LORD GOD, help me to prove that nothing is impossible with You, and You shall receive ALL the Glory as I do! Holy Spirit, continue to work through me, in the Precious name of our Crucified, but Resurrected Saviour, JESUS CHRIST…AMEN!!!

Please feel free to print this off and use it daily or bookmark us and come back to find more prayers as we list them.

I hope this Prayer for success in Ministry will help and encourage you in your work for God!

Thank you for visiting Back Roads Living.
You can find the original prayer here





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