We need to take some time for soul searching. Our souls are a lot like personal bank accounts. If we keep making withdrawals, but never make deposits, we are going to end up “broke”.. or well… broken.
As women, it is our human nature to put others before us. Because of this, often times we are very run down. We are wives. We are daughters. We are sisters. We are friends. We are moms. We are bosses. We are employees. We are leaders. We are BUSY. We have an overabundance of labels to describe exactly who we are. Somewhere in the third or fourth label, we forget all about ourselves.. You are you, and I am me.. and WE need to make sure we are keeping our spiritual bank accounts in the green! We so need to be soul searching.
How do we make deposits to our souls? By making time for things that are important to us. Hang out with our girlfriends. We can go and check out a new coffee shop. Read a book. Read the Bible. Spend quiet time alone with God, and go to church. How about going to get our nails done? Pray. Pray a lot. We could even turn our cellphones off for a change. Wait, what did I just say? Yes, we could turn our cells off. Listen to worship music. Take a drive. Except compliments and blessings without feeling guilty about it, and learn to quote scripture. By soul searching we can come to realize how much we need these things.
God has really put a desire on my heart to help all of you learn how to LOVE LIFE and to help even myself grow by leaps and bounds. He has given me so many awesome ideas, and I am so excited to be on this journey with you. One of the newest things that he has shown me is to start a monthly newsletter and a weekly email blast with the message that was just shared through the week. The reason I feel he is leading me in that direction is because there are a lot of women out there who do not have Facebook, but do have email access. I believe that through each of you, we will be able to send the message of Christ, and women will come to know him. Please pray and believe with me for our dear sisters out there. Can you tell I have been doing some soul searching?
“If we wait until we’re perfect to receive, then it’s never going to happen. You can receive now because you are God’s child, dearly loved, chosen and cherished. You can receive not because of what you do, but because of who you are in him.” –Holley Gerth
Sisters, I pray that this short message od soul searching speaks to you today. I pray that you know just how special you are, and how important it is for you to take care of you. Laugh a little today. Smile too. Have a nice cup of coffee (or tea), and soak up His goodness. Be blessed!
This article about Soul Searching – Making deposits to our souls was written by Brittany Zimmerman. Brittany is the founder of Love Life Ministries and focuses on helping women cope with everyday circumstances. By sharing God’s word Brittany helps you see your problems and how God can heal your souls through His word!
If you have enjoyed this article by Brittany drop by her Facebook Page and let her know! She works hard to minister to the needs of women everywhere!
Check out some of Brittany’s other articles on the blog below.
One Life
Loving Life
Dealing with Anxiety
David and Goliath – Facing your Goliath
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