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Autism Child Denied Pet Chicken

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Autism Child Denied Pet Chicken

We all have been exposed to the wonderful children who have Autism at some point in our lives and if we try to understand them we find out they are wonderful, loving children. They are not different from others as far a loving, caring and wanting to be accepted. Our society has become more and more educated and has learned a great deal of compassion for these wonderful children over the last few years but it appears the City Council in the state of Florida does not understand the importance of children with Autism.

J.J. Hart is such a child. He is a preschooler with autism in DeBary Florida. His Doctors told his parents to get him a pet to help him learn interaction among other very important skills. His dog did not do very well and his parents adopted a 3 year old chicken whom the your boy bonded with quickly.

The City Council had give the family a one year experimental chicken permit. According to his mother he is talking more and the hen gives him a lot of exercise he might not otherwise get. Not only is the hen good for J.J but she is a good source or fresh eggs for them also. J.J. has learned from breaking an egg if he squeezes it too tight the cause and effect relation.

Now that the year is up and the council has received complaints over this they have decided to end the program! A neighbor complained and one congressman said, “I don’t support a program that has a door open to take advantage for commercial purposes,”. My goodness, how can one child with Autism owing a 3 year old hen lead to the city being over run by commercial growers?

Lack of compassion is what it all boils down to! You can read the entire story here. Huffington Post




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