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A Bird Gallery of Beautiful, Common and Uncommon Birds

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Bird Gallery of Gorgeous Common and Uncommon Fowl

This Bird Gallery will feature some very unique birds in the photos we have. Although the space is limited we have tried to pick out some very beautiful and unusual and not so unusual birds.

The following photos will feature birds from the East Coast to the West Coast and beyond! From North to South and beyond.

Some of these birds have been common to our area here in Southeastern Kentucky. Especially the Blue Jay and Red Bird(Cardinal).

Birds have been around as long as man and have offered some of the most beautiful creatures in God’s creation.

Birds come in all colors, some very bland in a single or just a couple of colors and some in a burst of several colors and the calls vary from a very indefinite sound to very loud, and very scary calls!

If you see a beauty that is common to your area please feel free to comment and share the gallery with your friends on your favorite Social Platforms like Facebook, Pinterest, Etc.

Gorgeous Blue Colors.

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