We love This here at Back Roads Living! One of the ways we love it best is in a Cast Iron Skillet! There is just something about cooking and baking in cast iron!
A good seasoned Cast Iron Skillet will serve many used from frying, baking and broiling even grilling on the outside grill! Cast iron has been in use for literally hundreds of years! Some of the finest kitchens use cast iron!
When made right, Pineapple Upside Down Cake is one of the best tasting cakes for us! We love these cakes made in cast iron!
All of the big names in the kitchen use cast iron, Paula Deen, Martha Stewart, Rachel Ray, Etc! The list goes on and on!
They all use cast iron and love it! We do too! Go ahead, if you don’t have a good cast iron skillet check out the cast iron skillets from our affiliate below.
Table of Contents
1 – Box Pineapple Upside Down Cake Mix
1 – ¼ Cup Butter (Melted)
2/3 Cup Brown Sugar
1 – 20 oz Can Sliced Pineapples
Pack of Cherries (We don’t use them)
Melt Butter in Cast Iron Skillet (We used a #10 anything smaller is too small)
Sprinkle Brown Sugar evenly over butter
Drain juice from pineapples and place sliced pineapples around pan. You can fill in gaps with pieces if you wish. (Add Cherries to center of pineapples if you use them)
Mix Cake mix according to instructions and pour over pineapples in skillet.
Bake at 350 degrees for 35 -45 minutes.
Ours started getting brown before it was done so we removed it and put aluminum foil over it for the last 10 minutes and we liked the texture and flavor very much!
If you haven’t tried this, you should! Easy to make and easy to clean up. Those of you who have experience in cooking with cast iron know the ease of cleaning a good seasoned skillet. There just really isn’t anything better to cook in that a good seasoned cast iron piece!
We use our cast iron skillets to fry, bake, broil, etc! They are great.
Thanks for stopping in and reading our article on Pineapple Upside Down Cake With Cake Mix.
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