Back Roads Living

Category Archives for CHICKEN BREEDS REVIEW

Dominicker Chicken Breed

The Dominicker Chicken Breed, a good Dual Purpose Bird! The Dominicker Chicken Breed it actually named Dominique. The name has been tossed around and I doubt if anyone can really tell or know when the

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Welsummer Chicken Breed

Welsummer Chicken Breed, The Kellogg’s Cornflakes Chicken! The Welsummer Chicken Breed is a very popular breed of bird. This is the breed used on the Kelloggs Corn Flakes Boxes. This is probably

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The Faverolles Chicken Breed

The Fancy Faverolles Chicken Breed The Faverolles Chicken Breed originated in France. They even look French! The chicken was named after the village it was developed in, Faverolles. Although the Faverolle

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Guinea Fowl ~ The Feathered Watch Dogs

Guinea Fowl ~ Do you need them around? Lots of folks have never seen a Guinea Fowl! They are very curious when they see them and are full of questions. To those who have never seen a Guinea Fowl they

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Cornish Rock Breed A great Meat Bird

The Cornish Rock Chicken Breed is a chicken that originated in Cornwall England and is known as the Indian Game Bird. Cornish Rock Chickens and crosses of this bird are one of the most used in the chicken

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Araucana Chicken Breed for colored eggs.

The Araucana Chicken is also known in the USA as the South American Rumpless. This breed of bird is known for its blue eggs. This breed of chicken is confused many times with the Easter Egg and Ameracuana

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Naked Neck Chicken Breed for Pets.

The Naked Neck chicken or Turken is a variety of chicken that originated in Transylvania! This breed of chicken is naturally devoid of feathers on its neck and vent area! Understandably, the name Turken

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Chicken Hatcheries VS Breeders, Which is Best?

Chicken Hatcheries or Breeders? This is a very good question to ask yourself Chicken Hatcheries or Breeders when deciding what breed(s) you want to raise. Depending on why you want chickens you will

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Cochin Chicken Breed for Beautiful Colors.

The Cochin Chicken Breed is known as a big ball of fluff by just about everyone! They are adorable looking and you can find them in about 13 different colors. Although they can look a little intimidating,

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Cuckoo Maran Chicken Breed, excellent dark brown eggs.

  This article about the Cuckoo Maran Chicken breed will help you decide as to whether it is the right bird for your backyard or free range area! We hope to provide you with valuable information to

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Black Sex Link Chicken Breed

This article is about the Black Sex Link Chicken Breed. There are different colors of the Sex Link and they are all cross bred and the color is different by sex at birth. Sex

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Pros and Cons of Keeping Backyard Chickens!

Lately there has been a big increase in how many people are keeping backyard chickens! But still lots of people are on the fence about joining in on the backyard chicken fad and not sure if it is worth

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